In 2022, I launched a Kotlin podcast show, Kotlin Fireside Chat, with my friends in Kotlin User Group. Now, we're taking things to the next level by building a podcast website with a statistical analysis dashboard. We've built a static website using Jamstack and connected it to a serverless API written in Kotlin. In order to aggregate the listener number across platforms, such as YouTube, BiliBili, Ximalaya, Lizhi, Qingting, we've also created a crawler to grab those numbers and display them in a custom dashboard. Everything is made by open source technology and deployed on Google Cloud Platform. In this talk, I'll share my experience and the lessons I learned when using all the technologies in 2023.
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Shengyou Fan
Shengyou is a developer advocate in JetBrains. Focus on web technology and backend development. He is fascinated with researching new technology and fond of skills that increase productivity. In charge of promoting technology such as Kotlin, IntelliJ IDEA and providing solutions. Love open source technologies and communities.