
List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):



本專題將分享分散式出版如何以 NFT 書的全新方式演繹、發行與銷售電子書,以面對資訊審查、封閉花園以及通路壟斷三道圍牆,提供現實案例,介紹分散式出版的的特色如:

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Proven software development workflows the OSS way, for your growing business

Many aspiring businesses in various industries need to make use of software as they grow. Open source software development workflows generally allows businesses to keep costs low, are scalable and are also proven to work across different locations, cultures and timezones. In this talk, Gary aims to share the importance of having a good software coding foundation for your business, especially if the business is not purely software-focused. He will share essential parts of a coding foundation that even the tech giants use, thus you can be rest assured of their proven scalability.

Running Cloud Native Application with MySQL for Kubernetes

Microservices decouple services which allow more self-contained work and require data store with more handy deployment. Kubernetes is one of the best ways orchestrating/deploying services including MySQL Database. Cloud Native Applications running with data which requires reliability and resilience. In the session, we will explore the use of MySQL Operator for Kubernetes working with Cloud Native Application under K8s deployment. It provides the HA model for MySQL and Application working closely with K8s ExternalName Kind service to address to MySQL routing service.

Build your AI-first apps faster with Semantic Kernel on Microsoft Azure

Semantic Kernel (SK), available on GitHub as an open-source framework, is a lightweight SDK that lets you mix conventional programming languages, like C# and Python, with the latest in Large Language Model (LLM) AI "prompts" with prompt templating, chaining, and planning capabilities. SK is accompanied by example apps and notebooks that illustrate how to get going quickly with LLM AI. Join us for an overview of this exciting new release from Microsoft, explore its core functionalities, and find out how to get started and working with Azure OpenAI.

Speed up your Analytics Projects using Delta Lake on Azure

Delta Lake 是一個開源項目,可以在現有存儲系統(例如 ADLS 和 HDFS)之上構建 Lakehouse 架構,並與 Apache Spark API 完全兼容。 Delta Lake 為您的數據湖帶來 ACID 規範。它提供數據快照,使開發人員能夠查找和恢復到早期版本的數據以進行審計、數據恢復或實驗。實時數據提取、批量數據整合和交互式查詢都能夠開箱即用。Mike Chan 將為我們介紹 Delta Lake 的好處和最近的使用體驗,讓大家能充份發揮不同數據的潛能。

Introducing Quarkus: a supersonic, subatomic Java framework

Quarkus is an open sourced, Kubernetes-native Java framework made for Java virtual machines (JVMs) and GraalVM native compilation. Quarkus is optimized specifically for containers. It greatly minimizes application startup time and memory use, and it provides live coding so that developers can immediately check the effect of code changes in the blink of an eye. With these features, they enable Quarkus to become an effective platform for serverless, cloud and Kubernetes environments. Join this session to have a first look into Quarkus.

Drug Icon CC:藥物圖標 Creative Commons

Drug labels in Hong Kong are mainly presented in words. Elderly or ethnic minorities might find it difficult to fully understand them. The carers need to spend extra time explaining and handwriting remarks to ensure medication adherence. 

We took reference from other places’ prescription labels and designed a set of unified Drug Icons, which can be stuck on the medicine packages to visualise the prescription notes for easier understanding. 

'Open Source Culture' in the CGI & VFX Industry

This presentation will provide an overview of The Academy Software Foundation ( and their impacts on the visual effects and animation industry around the globe. Moreover, there are local software developers who contributed to the Hong Kong's original digital Ink-painting and animation creations. The speaker aims to reveal a couples of CGI Ink-painting and animations made from these Hong Kong software tools.