
List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

Open Standard and Database of Languages in Hong Kong context


目前語言由語言學家,研究人員和某些情況下的決策者定義。 Ethnologue.org的世界語言數據庫由SIL.org管理。然而,Ethnologue僅提供有限的公共使用,每天五頁免費訪問語言數據,該網站是英文。

Continuous Delivery in Cloud Native Infrastructure

Cloud Native Infrastructure is a very popular topic nowadays. It enabled empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments and also enabled engineers to make high-impact changes frequently.

In this talk, I will show how HK01 SRE team transformed the legacy infrastructure into modern continuous delivery infrastructure backed by container ecosystem with Kubernetes, serving news contents and services to its 9M+ audience.