
HAPPEAS 蛻變自香港知名 IP 顧問公司 TOBYHK LIMITED,我們去蕪存菁,為客戶提供更專業、更全面的IP設計及顧問服務。我們有超過二十年的巿場推廣及廣告經驗,除了提供自家設計的IP予不同品牌作宣傳或商演,我們亦建立了一套嶄新的、以代言物為重心的廣告宣傳策略,無論對廣告或巿場營銷來說都是一種極具新鮮感。
HAPPEAS is metamorphosis of the well-known IP consultant company TOBYHK LIMITED. Our team has over 20 years of solid experience in marketing and advertising. Besides the IP consultant and licensing service, we have developed a Mascot-core advetising approach which is an exclusive advertising and marketing tool.
​Our vision is to make this indifferent world different. A Happy Mascot is our solution.

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