List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

Raspberry Pi R3 - Scalable High Availability MySQL InnoDB Cluster and Apache Kafka® Distributed Streaming Platform - Resiliency Testing

Demonstrating "Real World Clustering and Distributed Processing Platform Scale-up"  technologies on a small scale and budget. Use Open Source technology and middleware to "model and mimic" high cost distributed clustered and/or supercomputer style architectures. Bench Test and manage and test Resiliency in clustered environments on "Real Physical Hardware" that virtualisation may never truly emulate.... and it's Fun!!!

Crossing Relation and Document Database using MySQL

Hybrid database with relational and Document for application becomes very popular.   A flexible schema with JSON datatype to allow developers to design a flexible data architecture is handy and simple in MySQL.   JSON data in data exchange no matter this is Mobile application or traditional application becomes a de-facto standard.  We need JSON data but we need relational database.   MySQL document store + X Dev API allows both trendy application design + relational model application to work together.  Come to hear from the talk, we will share the lat