
List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

How to use verilator

There are many different kinds of programming paradigm such as high-level coding and low-level coding. Verilog is another kind of paradigm, this talk will bring an introduction how coding in Verilog looks like and help audiences to jump start on it.

(廣東話) Programming 有幾種係人都feel到唔同嘅大,例如high level programming就同low level programming好唔同。而Verilog又係另一種好唔同嘅編程範式,希望係呢個talk為大家介紹同埋幫大家極速起手。

(書面語) Programming有兩大範式 : 高級語言(python/java)和底級語言(assembly), 而verilog是有別於以上兩大類的另一編程範式, 希望係此演講為大家介紹和令大家起步編寫verilog。