The idea of adopting multiple programming languages to build highly distributed applications is not new to anyone. We all been taught to use necessary toolkits to solve certain problems in the most efficient way. 12Factor concept helped us to understand how to shift from the monolithic applications to smaller functional units - microservices, with that we can extract the most critical pieces of code into a microservice that can be made natively fault-tolerant. But where is the limit to the number of microservices within one application, when the application becomes sort of the nightmare to those who maintain that?
The serverless concept (namely serverless architecture pattern) is the next MUST technology to adopt for the application development. With the serverless developers can stop worrying about the number of components necessary to have up and running for the sake of the stability and fault-tolerance.
In this talk, i would like you to join me towards modern distributed application development with the Fn platform - open source non-vendor-lock serverless technology.
As the result you might get the following takeaways:
- Serverless is not something you should be afraid of;
- How to develop the microservices using serverless architecture pattern;
- The upsides and the downsides of the serverless.
Quick Info
Development background in Python, Go, Opencv, Serverless and / or Fn project.
Matt Stephenson
Matt Stephenson is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle working on creating a hosted Fn implementation on top of Oracle's Cloud. Matt built some of the underlying infrastructure components that run parts of AWS while at Amazon. Matt also built out the AppEngine java runtime while at Google. Matt is on the PMC for Apache jclouds and also contributes to Jenkins, OpenStack, and of course the Fn project. In his free time he helps design the man at Burningman and flies airplanes.