Education Technology

List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

How to build an online learning platform that engages and educates students at scale with Amazon Kendra, Amazon Comprehend, Amazon Translate,and more.


To be honest, none of the online teaching solution meets the real need of running online lab session. All existing online teaching solutions are just for online meeting or one direction broadcast! Teachers are 100% no way to know your students are really working on their exercise at home or they are just open the online meeting apps, and then doing other stuff!

Introducing Open Technology to Hong Kong Education

Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association (HKCOTA) aims to promote Open Standards, Free and Open Source Software, Open Hardware, Free Culture Works, Open Content and Creative Commons. We are encouraging the adoption of Open Technologies by riding on the recent government policies to introduce Popular Science and STEM into current education system.

I will give a brief assessment of the current situation, what HKCOTA tried, lesson learnt and road ahead.