Conference Hall 6

List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

Ice-cream robot: creating QR code ice-cream coupons with GravityForms (and minimum coding)

IoT is the tread of modern living. Every machine we work with, has the tenancy to get connected to the internet for centralized processing and functionality enhancement. System design and architecture, with evolvement of tool sets, has become an independent skill regardless of programming language. The author here presents the ROBI3 the ice-cream robot (which participants would experience it just below the conference venue) how she managed to link up the its QR code couponing with Gravity Form, one of the most popular plugin for WordPress with minimum coding.

Introducing Open Technology to Hong Kong Education

Hong Kong Creative Open Technology Association (HKCOTA) aims to promote Open Standards, Free and Open Source Software, Open Hardware, Free Culture Works, Open Content and Creative Commons. We are encouraging the adoption of Open Technologies by riding on the recent government policies to introduce Popular Science and STEM into current education system.

I will give a brief assessment of the current situation, what HKCOTA tried, lesson learnt and road ahead.

PiM25: An crowdsourced weather data project

PM2.5 is a citizen science project. We provide instructions and open-source code to help people create and customise their own PiM25 box.

When the PiM25 box is ready, air quality and GPS data can upload to the Taiwan's PM2.5 Open Data Portal (Location Aware Sensing System, or LASS) 24/7. Everyone can see the open data from the map (

In this session, I will share the project information

Raspberry Pi history, tips and use case

Raspberry Pi is now 6 years old, there are several tips and use was born for kids programming education, though, it is now also used for electric DIY hobbies, industrial use, Edge Computing, IoT and more. Masafumi will talk Raspberry Pi history and latest updates and discuss several its use cases and tips for our business and daily use.
Here is the detailed description: