Grand Hall A

List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

Innovate with Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) Spatial Data

The Common Spatial Data Infrastructure (CSDI) is a key initiative under the Smart City Blueprint for Hong Kong. The CSDI portal launched by the Development Bureau (DEVB) provides a map-based digital infrastructure as a one-stop platform to open and share spatial data. By allowing members of the public to search, view and download various kinds of spatial data from the portal, a wide range of possibilities for application development will be opened, the digital economy boosted and quality of life improved.

How I make a podcast website using serverless technology in 2023

In 2022, I launched a Kotlin podcast show, Kotlin Fireside Chat, with my friends in Kotlin User Group. Now, we're taking things to the next level by building a podcast website with a statistical analysis dashboard. We've built a static website using Jamstack and connected it to a serverless API written in Kotlin. In order to aggregate the listener number across platforms, such as YouTube, BiliBili, Ximalaya, Lizhi, Qingting, we've also created a crawler to grab those numbers and display them in a custom dashboard.

Matter matters! A brief intro to the new smart home standard and how Home Assistant supports it

In HKOSCon 2022, we discussed how Home Assistant could help to bridge the gaps between smart home products from different camps with local control in mind. We touch-based on the emerging yet promising Matter standard that hoped to resolve a lot of the interpretability challenges of different smart home ecosystems. One year on, products that comply with the Matter standard start to appear, and Home Assistant has also evolved to provide better support for Matter products.

Playing with Raspberry Pi - looking into the use case and play by yourself

Raspberry Pi already know well and many of you now using for your DIY hobbies and business. Do you are having fun playing with it/Is Raspberry Pi useful for your business? Masafumi will give a talk with a couple of use cases, demonstrate some of Raspberry Pi DIY gadgets and discuss what the use case is good to apply your DIY hobby/business projects.

Multi-robot autonomous exploration in 2D

This project demonstrates that multiple robots can collaborate to explore an unknown environment without GPS to generate a map with reasonable accuracy. This addresses exploration as a problem in the planning layer of the robotics domain. A frontier-based  exploration methodology will be explained. The main approach uses Rapidly-expanding Random Trees for frontier detection, and map merging for information sharing. The developed algorithm also makes use of existing solutions for SLAM, and path planning. The algorithm runs in a network of robots, and a master machine on ROS.

Introducing Unikraft: An SDK for fast, secure, and highly-specialized unikernels

Unikernels are specialized operating system images that execute a single application. Through extreme specialization they can provide high performance, small memory footprints, fast boot times, and a reduced attack vector.

This talk will provide an overview of Unikraft (, a Linux Foundation project that provides a toolikit for creating highly specialized unikernels by combining a set of micro-libraries to tailor down the operating system strictly to the needs of the executing application.



本專題將分享分散式出版如何以 NFT 書的全新方式演繹、發行與銷售電子書,以面對資訊審查、封閉花園以及通路壟斷三道圍牆,提供現實案例,介紹分散式出版的的特色如:

  • 文本以共享創意授權,保障知識流通
  • 畫師設計每本獨一無二的封面
  • 文本和封面均存放於分散式存儲如 ipfs,抗衡竄改及流失
  • 透過 NFT 認證每本書的擁有權,創造收藏的條件


Proven software development workflows the OSS way, for your growing business

Many aspiring businesses in various industries need to make use of software as they grow. Open source software development workflows generally allows businesses to keep costs low, are scalable and are also proven to work across different locations, cultures and timezones. In this talk, Gary aims to share the importance of having a good software coding foundation for your business, especially if the business is not purely software-focused. He will share essential parts of a coding foundation that even the tech giants use, thus you can be rest assured of their proven scalability.