How to build a powerful AI VR Virtual Assistant with AWS AL/ML service and OpenAI?

AWS AI Assistant is a serverless applications and integrates most of the AWS AI/ML services and Open AI.
The most popular tech news in 2023 is the raise of generative AI with Large language models. With those powerful pre-built model or AI API, we can build a very powerful virtual assistant with the combination and integration of all AWS AI/ML services with OpenAI API or Hugging Face pre-trained model. For my use case, I hope my students learn and use AI but I do want to have certain control and monitoring. So, we want to make it fun and powerful for my students.

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Developer, Power User, General User

Cyrus Wong

黃俊彥是香港IVE(李惠利)資訊科技系雲端系統及數據中心管理高級文憑的高級講師,擁有豐富的知識和專業技能。他熱衷於在各種媒體和活動中推廣雲端技術。由於他的專業知識和專業技能,他獲得亞馬遜雲端運算服務機器學習英雄、微軟Azure雲端最有價值專家 和Google雲端平台的Google開發者專家等著名榮譽稱號,是世上唯一能夠獲得IT業界三巨頭同時公認的專家。

Cyrus Wong is an accomplished senior lecturer who oversees the Higher Diploma program in Cloud and Data Centre Administration at the Department Information Technology of IVE(Lee Wai Lee) in Hong Kong. He is a passionate advocate for the adoption of cloud technology across various media and events. With his extensive knowledge and expertise, he has earned prestigious recognition such as AWS Machine Learning Hero, Microsoft Azure MVP, and Google Developer Expert for Google Cloud Platform.c

Country / Region
Hong Kong
Hong Kong Institute of Information Technology (HKIIT) at IVE (Lee Wai Lee)

SI-TU Kwok Shing

Mr. SI-TU Kwok Shing is AWS Community Builder, year 1 student who aspire to be a full stack cloud developer and multi-cloud certified.

Country / Region
Hong Kong
AWS Community Builder

Stanley Leung

Mr. Stanley Leung is cloud major students with rich public speaking experience on Tech.

Country / Region
Hong Kong

Flora Xu

Ms. Flora Xu is passionate about communication and strive for technical excellence. She is always eager to learn and grow in IT field. I love what I do and am committed to delivering the best results.

Country / Region
Hong Kong

Ka Ka Leung

Ms. Ka Ka Leung is a cloud enthusiast who is always eager to learn and grow. She cheerful and passionate about cloud technology and am excited to be a part of this field.

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