PiM25: An crowdsourced weather data project

PM2.5 is a citizen science project. We provide instructions and open-source code to help people create and customise their own PiM25 box.

When the PiM25 box is ready, air quality and GPS data can upload to the Taiwan's PM2.5 Open Data Portal (Location Aware Sensing System, or LASS) 24/7. Everyone can see the open data from the map (http://airmap.g0v.asper.tw/)

In this session, I will share the project information

Open Standard and Database of Languages in Hong Kong context


目前語言由語言學家,研究人員和某些情況下的決策者定義。 Ethnologue.org的世界語言數據庫由SIL.org管理。然而,Ethnologue僅提供有限的公共使用,每天五頁免費訪問語言數據,該網站是英文。

Raspberry Pi history, tips and use case

Raspberry Pi is now 6 years old, there are several tips and use cases.it was born for kids programming education, though, it is now also used for electric DIY hobbies, industrial use, Edge Computing, IoT and more. Masafumi will talk Raspberry Pi history and latest updates and discuss several its use cases and tips for our business and daily use.
Here is the detailed description:


The Students Open Source Conference, sosconf for short, is the first non-profit community global open source technology summit organized by students and serves students. With open source as its core concept, the sosconf helps fulfill our promise that more and more students will learn Open Source and participate in open source projects. We sincerely hope that through the summit events students can gain practice experience and pleasure in their open source adventures.

Continuous Delivery in Cloud Native Infrastructure

Cloud Native Infrastructure is a very popular topic nowadays. It enabled empower organizations to build and run scalable applications in modern, dynamic environments and also enabled engineers to make high-impact changes frequently.

In this talk, I will show how HK01 SRE team transformed the legacy infrastructure into modern continuous delivery infrastructure backed by container ecosystem with Kubernetes, serving news contents and services to its 9M+ audience.