Jing-Hua Lin (林京樺)
A research developer in DLTcollab, recently focus on acceleration of IOTA Tangle and Data Marketplace.
A research developer in DLTcollab, recently focus on acceleration of IOTA Tangle and Data Marketplace.
Huang Shih Chin (Xixi), founder of Progressing Today Technology Co., Ltd., early players of virtual currency, DApp and four-year experience of Full Stack engineers.
Our team released the EOS fishing game at the end of 2018. Create a week of "30 million US dollars" of betting amount , almost becoming the top DApp leader. And in July 2018 joined the App Works #17 startup Accelerated Blockchain team. In October 2018, in cooperation with the Ethereum Community Grants (Ethereum Community Fund), the "Zero-Based Blockchain Engineer - Ethereum Smart Contract" course was launched.
Tai was an experimental particle physic scientist to try to improve the measurement of the neutrino mass in the Dayabay collaboration. He thus stayed in HK for months few years ago for the Aberdeen tunnel experiment. Tai is also an open source and FLOSS culture advocate. Tai joined Canonical in 2013 to contribute to FLOSS more, and is active to organize PyConTW. He loves to combine FLOSS and science, and is an amateur researcher of computational fluid dynamics recent years. Besides, Tai loves nature and he is a mountaineer and rock climber.
Executive Assistant at Breaktime Inc. ( 富盈數據 )
Founder, DozenCloud Project
Yu-Chiang Huang is the student for master degree from National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan, and also the founder of DozenCloud Project, ARM VPS Project. He fouces on porting OpenStack to ARM64 and Peer-to-Peer bare-metal system provisioning in HPC. Working on building a ARMv8 IaaS and CloneZilla Bittorrent Mode.
Speaking Experience: OpenStack Day Taiwan 2016-2017, Open Source Summit North America 2017
I am a software engineer. I love open sources, and participate many projects. Now I focus on doing research and developing on web browsers. I like to teach other coding and writing articles about software development. I believe sharing can make the world a better place
Koan-Sin Tan is a veteran open source user who learned to use Unix on VAX-11/780 running 4.3BSD. He is interested in making NN models working cell phone recently. He wrote the label_image for TFLite, the first non-Google C/C++ command line example for TensorFlow Lite.
An iOS App developer, worked for iNDIEVOX and Initium Media. Now a freelancer and project initiator.
CTO of MediConCen Limited, a corporate member of a Linux Hyperledger. Technical ambassador, TWGC active member, HongKong community leader of Hyperledger.
Fabric-sdk-node source code contributors.