Thomas Kuiper
Thomas Kuiper, the General Manager of the Asia subsidiary of the domain name registrar Gandi is originally from Germany. He worked on embedded systems and content management systems for companies in Taiwan and Europe before he set himself to the task to start Gandi's Asia business unit. Gandi (abbreviation for "Gestion et Attribution des Noms de Domaine sur Internet" in French or "Management and Allocation of Domain Names on the Internet" in English) is a company thatg provides domain name registration and management in addition to Internet hosting infrastructure and related services.
Why your domain name matters
This talk will give you an introduction how to choose your domain name and why it is more important than ever to own your own domain name for your open source projects or business.
Opening and Opening Remark
- Opening and Announcements
- Guest of Honor
- Opening Remark
Blockchain for creative contents: What we do in LikeCoin
LikeCoin is an ERC20 token based on the Ethereum blockchain. Using the power of smart contract, we enable easier user attribution and cross-platform collaboration on creative contents.
In this session, we will describe the idea, algorithm and open source technology we use, how we collaborate with partners and how can everyone join in our effort.
Lightning Talk & Unconference Registrations
Begin to accept registration for Lightening Talk and Unconference.
Volunteers will be receiving all participants and guests at the reception area.
Run Multiple Isolated Web Applications on Containers with a Single IP in the Cloud
The introduction of the logic and step-by-step walk-through of a simple container based environment in the cloud serving multiple small web applications via a single IP address with an automated NGINX reverse proxy container. Components will include:
Matt Stephenson
Matt Stephenson is a Senior Principal Software Engineer at Oracle working on creating a hosted Fn implementation on top of Oracle's Cloud. Matt built some of the underlying infrastructure components that run parts of AWS while at Amazon. Matt also built out the AppEngine java runtime while at Google. Matt is on the PMC for Apache jclouds and also contributes to Jenkins, OpenStack, and of course the Fn project. In his free time he helps design the man at Burningman and flies airplanes.
Deploy a serverless chat bot quick with Skygear
Alternative to AWS lambda - Skygear is also a quick way to write cloud functions.
Showing (and making) a Python based Chat bot quick with Skygear Cloud functions.