
List of Events

Here is a list of event, includes speaker session and other intermediate slots (e.g. lunch):

MySQL High Availability Deployment Practice

Data is critical to system. Building a reliability system requires a reliable Database Platform. MySQL High Availability with Replication, InnoDB Cluster / NDB Cluster provides the choice of deployment architectures to achieve different Service level (SLA) expectations. The talk will cover the innovation of Today with MySQL replication capabilities including Network communication, Flow control and Data Consistency. The latest ReplicaSet and InnoDB Cluster will be explored.

Rust and WebAssembly powered Microservices

The Rust programming language is Stackoverflow’s most beloved programming language for the past 4 years. As it's adoption reaches beyond alpha developers writing system software, there is a strong demand for using Rust to write web services and applications.

Originally created by Mozilla, Google, Microsoft, and Apple as the next generation code execution engine web browsers, WebAssembly is the ideal execution engine for running Rust applications on the server side. 

Julia -- Looks like Python, feels like Lisp, runs like C/Fortran

Julia is a fast, dynamic, open source, easy to use programming language, designed to solve the two-language problem. It provides ease in both syntax and speed, and adopts multiple dispatch as its paradigm. In this talk, we will give an overview of the strengths and applications of Julia, as well as cover its basic syntax. Through a short live coding demonstration and text game AI with the Flux.jl package, we will demonstrate Julia's ease of use and comprehensive support for Machine Learning and Scientific Computing.

DApp Game - Blockchain random number generation method and implementation

When users realized that the "application" on the ICO was more important than the "token", the virtual currency began to decline in June 2018, prompting users in the market to pay attention to the development of the tokens. The development of DApp began to expand. The DApp industry recorded a turnover of 33.6 billion RMB in 2018. Almost 90% of the turnover comes from DApp games.

Because DApp game is built on the blockchain, it greatly restricts the gameplay. Currently, the common DApp games are: playing cards and dice.

Homemade scientific clusters

As a great glue language, Python could (definitely) orchestrate many modern and powerful tools to build a scientific cluster. This talk will illustrate one of the real world examples, which is a cluster built and running on top of LXD/LXC/KVM/MaaS/public clouds so you may thus be a amateur CFD (computational fluid dynamics) or physics researcher.

Decentralized Bare-Metal Operating System Provisioning

The EZIO Project proposes a reasonably efficient P2P soultion to deploy bare-metal operating system based on open source software technologies, such as libtorrent-rasterbar and CloneZilla. In this talk, we will discuss the difficult situation of bare-metal deployment in HPC or Cloud, and the performance, reliability and flexibility improvements on existing technologies, such as CloneZilla Multicast Mode.

EZIO has integrated in CloneZilla to provide 1-to-many bare-metal system provisioning on-the-fly, and tested successfully in HPC.